Nate Merit
JoinedTopics Started by Nate Merit
New and Improved ACTIVE FORCE!
by Nate Merit intry 'new and improved' active force for all your hard-to-clean needs!
millions of satisfied customers agree!.
satisfied customer #1: "new and improved active force cured my husband's alcoholism, and stopped little johnny pooping his pants!
Rex "The Shining One' Responds At Last
by Nate Merit ini am championing the method of interpretation used by the nt writers.
the common folks took them literally.
you can easily rectify your situation by making up your mind to "study to show thyself approved unto god, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
MATTHEW 24:34 !!!
by Nate Merit in[ homepage ] [ up ][ heaven ][ debates and speeches ].
the skeptical review version may be found at:. .
Theocratic Warfare: Is It Still Practiced?
by Nate Merit ini was "in the truth" for about four years and was disfellowshipped thirty-three years ago at the age of nineteen.
when i became involved, at age fifteen, i was taught 'theocratic warfare' which is 'lying for the truth.
' it really didn't bother me until i was several years older and became more introspective.
The Septuagint or the Hebrew Text, Which Should Christians Choose?
by Nate Merit in(the following article by nathaniel j merritt was originally published in 1996 in the now-defunct orthodox way magazine, a small theological journal which explored obscure or controversial issues in the eastern orthodox spiritual tradition.
should christians embrace the greek septuagint translation of the old testament or the hebrew text?
if we are jews, then by all means let us embrace the hebrew text.
More On The 'Historical-Grammatical' Method
by Nate Merit inalthough protestants, evangelicals and fundamentalists use and defend the historical-grammatical method of bible interpretation, they need to realize it has a fundamental (pun intended) flaw.
matthew 1:22,23 and isaiah 7:14. .
matthew 2:15 and hosea 11:1. .
My Reply to Rex
by Nate Merit inrex, my first impulse to your silly post was to command you to cease biting my ankles!
out damn, rex!
>for the fundamentalist christians reading this post who do not like my hermeneutics (principles of biblical interpretation), i challenge you to look up all the passages of the old testament that are quoted in the new testament.
by Nate Merit injohn: "hi!
i'm john, and this is mary.".
john: "then come kiss hank's ass with us.".
by Nate Merit infor the fundamentalist christians reading this post who do not like my hermeneutics (principles of biblical interpretation), i challenge you to look up all the passages of the old testament that are quoted in the new testament.
read the surrounding context of each quotation as it appears in the old testament.
you will be shocked to discover that the context of the verses in the old testament almost never correspond to the way the verses are actually used in the new testament.
by Nate Merit infor the fundamentalist christians reading this post who do not like my hermeneutics (principles of biblical interpretation), i challenge you to look up all the passages of the old testament that are quoted in the new testament.
read the surrounding context of each quotation as it appears in the old testament.
you will be shocked to discover that the context of the verses in the old testament almost never correspond to the way the verses are actually used in the new testament.